21 Licks Vol. 2 digital pack by Kiko Loureiro

5 (1 Review)
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  • $19.90
  • Regular price $34.97

21 Licks Vol. 2 is Kiko Loureiro’s digital pack with tabs, videos, and Guitar Pro Files, with licks for guitarists of all levels. You will find similar licks to Megadeth and Kiko's songs.

Due to the huge success of the 21 Licks Vol. 1 and upon request of several fans, Kiko released the second book of the series, and you can get it right now!

With the 21 Licks Vol. 2 you will:

  • Increase your vocabulary.
  • Achieve your goal to play better solos.
  • Improvise better.
  • Become a more versatile guitarist.

You don't need to have the 21 Licks Vol.1 to get the Vol. 2, they are independent materials.

The 21 Licks vol. 2 is a high-quality digital pack that includes:

  • Complete Pdfs of 21 licks Score and Tabs.
  • Videos of Kiko playing the 21 Licks, both slow and fast, filmed from two different camera angles.
  • Guitar Pro files, giving you the ability to change the speed, keys, and reorganize the licks as you wish.

Get an effective and healthy way to nurture your daily playing, adding the 21 Licks Vol. 2 digital pack to your cart and check out!

You'll receive the download file immediately after purchase.

Do you have any comments or need any help? Reach out to us at store@kikoloureiro.com

5 (1 Review)
Manuel Garcia
Excellent as usual.

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21 Licks Vol. 2 digital pack by Kiko Loureiro

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