29 Scale Patterns

4.7 (10 reviews)
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  • $19.90
  • Regular price $49.90

29 guitar patterns in video and tablature for you to develop your technique, precision and musicality.



4.7 (10 reviews)
The 29 scale patterns are just excellent. The quality of the video and audio is top notch, as always with Kiko's products. Looking forward to more Licks and Patterns. Obrigado Kiko.
An invaluable tool for any guitar player! Amazing oroduct and endless source of inspiration for your solos. I m composing now tge solos for two songs and those oatterns just gave me the click i needed to build consisten and amazing transition. Definitely a Must buy!!!!
These are the exercises I was looking for. The videos are very well recorded and clearly show how the exercise should sound and look like.
martin Wang
great! even though busy, but still give me some motivation to practice the guitar, thanks
Rob Stobbe
Great for the newer player working on picking chops. Kiko is great and I wanted to support him. But this is just more 3 note per string picking exercises running through the major scale. I only regret the purchase because I have been playing for many years and I was expecting something more at Kiko's level of play here and lost another 20 musical dollars for something I wont use.. Again its excellent and I recommend it if you've not been playing for very long and want to work on your 3 note per string picking and string skipping. Thanks. Rob
29 Scale Patterns
The patterns you sent me are cool. I can use them to create my own solo's, melodies etc. Cheer's Kiko
Great! Another time Kiko get a way to training us without boring. I found this book very useful, I'm discover some ways to run to the scale that I never dreamt before. Thanks, thanks a lot!!!
29 Scale Patterns
Dennis Chhetri
Nice scale patterns…. For all levels and a beautiful backing track as well to practice with it !! Hope there are more to come …
Rob Stobbe
Great for newer guitar players starting out 1st or 2nd year! Otherwise these are just more 3 note per string major scale picking exercises, So don't waste your money like I did if you've been playing longer. There are no hidden gems of knowledge here for more intermediate players . But I wanted to support Kiko and took a chance but nothing new for me here so another 20 musical dollars down the drain.. But again this is VERY good if you are just getting into working on your picking technique, then highly recommended over basic 1234 picking excercises. Thanks Rob.
Ricardo Corrales
I love the course... Already made a solo for my latest song using some of the patterns... They sound so musical. Also like the fact that I find them good as finger dexterity exercises. Thanks Kiko

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29 Scale Patterns

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